
Filters: A device or a mass of material (as sand or paper) with tiny openings through which a gas or liquid passes to remove something.

The filter is sometimes also referred to as a strainer. It is critical that these particles filters out and preventing from going into the metering device. It can cause blockage to the passage flow of the refrigerant in the expansion valve. Therefore, it cause improper operation to the system.

Some of the filter types used in HVAC systems are;

Some of these components naturally stand out just because their appearance is striking. And they also have unique purposes. But on the flip side, there are also components that aren’t as striking just because their primary functions are relatively simple — though they are still undeniably important.

Showing 1–9 of 12 results

  • Oil Filters

    Oil Filters (11)

  • Refrigerant Filters

    Refrigerant Filters (2)